Monday, July 12, 2021

The Morning After

Poor sad party balloon. Just yesterday, it floated proudly, announcing to all that a party was in progress. But on the morning after, our poor little friend drifts about, carried by the slightest breeze, seeming to have forgotten its noble mission. I wish I had seen it yesterday.

With so many people sheltering in place, many found gardening a pleasant distraction. This small irregular parcel was situated between two homes on Corbett Avenue, and over the last year, has seen noticeable improvements. It's more of a path than a park, but a pleasant walk. At the base of the sign sits a park bench, one I have often used on my morning walks.

California weather has been an interesting combination of extremes, and in San Francisco, much more so. This morning found cars covered with droplets of condensation, and the trunk of this navy blue car made for an interest texture shot.