2024 Morning Walk Photos - July Through December

September 15, 2024 - San Mateo Events
Bark In The Park, San Mateo Central Park

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September 14, 2024 - San Mateo Events
If I had given him a cleaning cloth to hold, the photo would have made sensed.

Half sunlight, half shade. always difficult to light.

A bullseye, A good hit, and two near-misses.

September 13, 2024 - Fuji X-70
Fountain, Aidah's Stairway on  Broderick Street

Could Not Get The Framing I Wanted.  Wider Lenses Help.

Just Because

September 11, 2024 - Sony A7, 17-35mm Nikkor
The Lone Sailor, Marin side of the Golden Gate Bridge. 
My City College photography instructor Bob Strohmeyer (spelling?) told us that photographing sculptures was cheating, as all the heavy lifting was already been done by the sculptor.

I am embarrassed to admit that having not used the Sony since August 25, I completely forgot how to manually focus the camera.

September 10, 2024 - Fuji X-70
Love this warning.

With the two lion sculpture photos, it is easy to tell by the shadows that two different light sources were employed (natural light plus flash). I needed to see if the difference would be noticed.

September 6, 2024 - Fuji X-70

On these two shots I ball-bungeed my little FlashQ to a nearby sign post and aimed it at my subject. I adjusted the output and the ambient exposure setting until I got what I wanted. While not "great art", it was good practice, and confirmation that carrying a tiny, radio-triggered flash in a fanny pack along with a small but capable compact camera. I didn't plan on bringing a camera on my walk to mail a letter, but the convenience of grabbing this fully loaded package made it too easy to bring along.

September 4, 2024 - Fuji X-70

Flash served as the key light.

I was out during the "golden hour", a phrase I am loathe to utter. However, it's not everyday you see a rose-tinted fire hydrant.

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September 3, 2024 - Fuji X-70

The bright awnings and the fresh paint contrast nicely with the original sign which has been in place for more than fifty years.

September 1, 2024 - Fuji X-70
Darkened Sky, Flash Assist Rose
Before The Busser Arrives

Neighborhood Watch

August 26, 2024 - Fuji X-70

Flash enhanced.
It is refreshing to use something other than the full-frame Sony with a bulky, wide angle lens.

August 25, 2024 - Nikkor 17-35mm F 2.8

Major cropping in post production.

Flash used to highlight the upper portion of the sculpture.

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August 17, 2024 - Sigma 15-30mm

The blush is off the rose so far as this Sigma lens is concerned. I have a feeling that the Nikkor will prove signifigantly sharper, and produce more contrasty images. After all, the lens, when new, retailed for about $1,500 in 1999, while the Sigma sold for about $800 when it was introduced in 2001.

August 11, 2024 - Nikkor 17-35mm F 2.8

I'm on the "tourist side" of Sausalito this time.

August 10, 2024 - Sigma 15-30mm

Flash was used to lighten the shadows. It was positioned below the lens axis.

July 22, 2024 - "nil j" At Ryan Park
There is a flash on a lightstand behind the scuplture at camera left. That gave me the highlight on the sculpture at camera right. It was triggered by the same R2 controller as the AD200 key light. That was something new.
July 20, 2024 - Touch A Truck, Burlingame

July 12, 2024 - Chris Hellman Center for Dance
It was a routine photo of Lleyton Ho, a young ballet dancer who happens to be in his Senior Year at Stanford. Soft box key light, direct near-axis direct flash for fill.

July 4, 2024 - Half Moon Bay Parade

July 1, 2024 - Fuji X-70 With Wide Angle Adapter 

How Cats See Scooters.

My First Square Cropping

I thought this was an homage to the Morell mushroom. Now I think it's a honeycomb for hexophobes. Funny that I never noticed the bee before.

July 1, 2024 - Fuji X-70 With Wide Angle Adapter

Flash Enhanced.

I started out at 6:00 AM. July First is the ceremonial re-formatting of all of the SD cards and returning the exposure counters on all Morning  Walk Cameras to zero. After some folder re-arrangement, I'll be set to go. I still have the wide angle adapter on the X-70, and although I like the 21mm equivalent lens, I appear to be the imaginary doctor who created a vaccine and is now searching for a disease to cure. In this case, I'm looking for a venue where a super-wide lens is the appropriate choice. It may yet come.

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