Sunday, May 3, 2020

The 7artisans 25mm Lens: Upper Market Street

For a compilation of the morning walk images, click here.

Magic Doorway, Corbett Avenue. April 19, 2020.
A Transformative Experience: I've been using the 25mm lens ever since it arrived. which was about two weeks before this post.

In reviewing the lens delivery timeline, a lens was delivered between the 35mm (first) and the 25mm (third). That lens, the 55mm F 1.4, also carried the 7artisans brand name, and like my Fujifilm 50mm F 2.0 and my 56mm F 1.2 lenses, probably won't get used much. Lenses in this focal length range, which scale up to 75mm in the full frame format, are considered the ideal lenses for serious portraiture. Since I seldom do tight head shots, these two lenses are usually passed over for something shorter, and with when I photograph indoor shots of groups of people, something much shorter. Ah, but I digress.

I have no idea where this little orange door (left) leads to. All I know that when I saw it, I assumed that it led someplace fascinating. Sadly, it probably provides access to this home's foundation, or perhaps the gas and water meters. 

Green On Green., Market Street in San Francisco. April 19, 2020.
This one leaf, lighter in hue, stood out from the darker background. This was a good enough reason to add this image to the collection.
Street Lamp,  Glendale Street in San Francisco. April 19, 2020.
As photos go, this one is still a work in progress. I'm not sure how bright I want the sky, or what adjustments will be need to make the clouds brighter, or possibly more foreboding. 

Step To The Front, Corbett Avenue in San Francisco. April 19, 2020.
I am still trying to get the hang of manual focusing on subjects that have a great deal of depth. It's safe to say that this image would have been too busy if everything was in sharp focus, but there still needs to be a center of interest, and it needs to be in sharp focus.

It's interesting that of the four cameras I've used, I've found that both my X-E1 and E2 and the original X-Pro1 handle the non-Fuji much better when focus manually. I'll discuss that in a later post.

Blooming Rose on Corbett Avenue in San Francisco. April 19, 2020.
I'm normally not a big fan perfectly centering the center of interest (I'm a Rule of Thirds kind of guy). But this single flower was the only one that was fully facing the camera and free from the ravages of wind and rain. I centered everything up, and made the best shot that I could. The 25mm lens isn't a top performer wide open, and the photo won't survive an extreme enlargement. But it was my best effort to date, and I'll do better tomorrow.

Next, the 7artisans 12mm F 2.8 lens.

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